9 Signs My Mother In Law Is Attracted To Me

9 Signs My Mother In Law Is Attracted To Me

The Dynamics of Mother-in-Law Attraction

The concept of a mother-in-law being attracted to her son-in-law is a delicate and complex issue, often intertwined with misunderstandings and misinterpretations of behaviors and intentions.

It’s crucial to approach this topic with sensitivity and a clear understanding of the boundaries and dynamics within family relationships.

The signs of attraction could be misread or could be manifestations of a different kind of affection or care, not necessarily romantic or sexual in nature. Therefore, it’s essential to differentiate between genuine concern, affection, and inappropriate attraction.

9 Signs My Mother In Law Is Attracted To Me

1. Excessive Attention and Time

A mother-in-law spending an unusual amount of time with her son-in-law, seeking his company over others, and showing a keen interest in his activities and well-being could be misinterpreted. However, this could also be a sign of her appreciating him as a family member or enjoying his company platonically.

2. Physical Touch

Physical touch, such as hugs, can be common in family settings. However, if a mother-in-law initiates physical contact more frequently than what is considered normal within the family’s cultural context, it might raise eyebrows. It’s important to consider cultural norms regarding physical touch in families, as they vary greatly across different societies.

3. Jealousy of Other Female Relationships

Jealous behavior towards her son-in-law’s interactions with other women, including her own daughter (his wife), could be a red flag. However, this could also stem from overprotectiveness or a desire for her family’s unity, rather than romantic attraction.

4. Confiding and Seeking Emotional Support

While it’s healthy for family members to support each other, a mother-in-law excessively confiding in her son-in-law or relying on him for emotional support might indicate blurred boundaries. This behavior could also be a sign of her trust and respect for him as a family member.

5. Gift-Giving and Special Treatment

Frequent, personalized gift-giving or showing preferential treatment can be signs of special affection. Yet, this could also be her way of expressing gratitude or strengthening family bonds.

6. Intrusiveness in Personal Life

An over-intrusive mother-in-law who is overly interested in her son-in-law’s personal life, beyond what is normal, might be crossing boundaries. This behavior could stem from curiosity or concern rather than attraction.

7. Comparisons to Her Spouse

Making frequent comparisons between her son-in-law and her spouse, especially if the comparisons flatter the son-in-law, could be misinterpreted as attraction. However, this might also reflect her admiration for his qualities that remind her of positive aspects of her own relationship.

8. Privacy Invasion

Invasion of privacy, such as going through personal belongings or insisting on knowing intimate details of his life, is inappropriate. This behavior is a clear violation of boundaries, regardless of the underlying intentions.

9. Unsolicited Advice on Intimate Matters

Offering unsolicited advice on intimate or personal matters can be uncomfortable and inappropriate, signaling a lack of respect for boundaries.

10. Overly Interested in Your Romantic Life

An inappropriate level of interest in your relationship with her child, including prying into intimate details or offering unsolicited advice on your romantic life, can be a sign of crossing boundaries

While not proof, these signs may indicate your mother-in-law harbors inappropriate romantic feelings. If you notice several of these, it’s best to take steps to reestablish boundaries subtly and directly. Seek support from your spouse if her behavior continues, and limit contact if she won’t respect your relationship.

Is It Normal to Find Your Mother-in-Law Attractive?

It’s not uncommon for individuals to find their mother-in-law attractive, as revealed by various studies and discussions. According to findings, more than half of married men admit to being attracted to their mother-in-law, with 25% even confessing to having a genuine crush on her.

 This phenomenon might stem from various factors, including physical attraction, personality traits, or even similarities between the mother-in-law and one’s spouse. However, it’s crucial to differentiate between acknowledging attractiveness and acting upon such feelings.

Attraction towards one’s mother-in-law can be a fleeting sensation or a passing crush, and it’s essential to maintain boundaries and focus on the relationship with one’s spouse.

Psychologists suggest that such attractions are relatively common and may not necessarily indicate deeper emotional or romantic desires. Distracting oneself when such thoughts arise and redirecting focus towards the spouse can help mitigate any potential issues arising from such attractions.

Understanding Mother-In-Law &  Son-In-Law’s Relationship; Taboos And Family Dynamics

The phenomenon of finding one’s mother-in-law attractive is a topic that often remains shrouded in silence due to societal taboos and the potential for misunderstanding within family dynamics.

However, it’s important to approach this subject with openness and a nuanced understanding, recognizing that human emotions and attractions can be complex and multifaceted.

The Reality of Attraction

Recent studies and discussions have shed light on the fact that feeling attracted to one’s mother-in-law is not as uncommon as one might think. For instance, a study highlighted by Hindustan Times and IOL found that more than half of married men find their mother-in-law attractive, with a quarter admitting to having a genuine crush. 

These findings challenge the traditional narrative of antagonistic relationships between men and their mothers-in-law, suggesting instead a spectrum of feelings that can include admiration and attraction.

Psychological Perspectives

The attraction to a mother-in-law can stem from various factors, including similarities in personality or appearance to one’s spouse, the mother-in-law’s nurturing qualities, or simply the human capacity to appreciate beauty and virtue in others.

Psychologist Dr. Linda Papadopoulos, associated with the study mentioned above, emphasizes the need to celebrate the diversity of female beauty and the confidence that women of all ages possess.

 This perspective encourages a broader understanding of attraction, one that transcends age and societal expectations.

Navigating Feelings Responsibly

While feeling attracted to a mother-in-law is not inherently wrong, it is crucial to navigate these feelings responsibly, respecting the boundaries of all relationships involved. Open communication with one’s spouse, self-reflection, and a commitment to maintaining the integrity of the marital relationship are key.

It’s also important to differentiate between fleeting feelings of attraction and actions that could harm relationships. In some cases, exploring these feelings with a therapist can provide clarity and guidance.

Societal and Cultural Considerations

Cultural narratives often paint mothers-in-law in a negative light, focusing on conflict and rivalry. However, as discussions around this topic become more open, there’s an opportunity to challenge these stereotypes and acknowledge the complexity of family relationships. Recognizing and respecting the feelings of all parties involved can lead to healthier, more understanding family dynamics.


The topic of finding one’s mother-in-law attractive touches on deeper themes of human emotion, attraction, and family relationships. B

y approaching these feelings with honesty, respect, and a willingness to understand their origins, individuals can navigate this complex terrain without compromising the bonds that hold families together.

As society continues to evolve in its understanding of relationships, such discussions can contribute to a more nuanced and compassionate view of love, attraction, and family life.