7 Things That Turn On A Female Narcissist

7 Things That Turn On A Female Narcissist

Narcissism, a personality trait characterized by self-centeredness, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy, manifests differently in individuals. While it’s commonly associated with men, female narcissists are equally prevalent, albeit often overlooked or misunderstood.

To comprehend what ignites their interest and drives their behavior, it’s imperative to delve into the psyche of a female narcissist.

What Turns On a Female Narcissist?

1. Adoration and Flattery

Female narcissists thrive on adoration and flattery. They seek validation and admiration from others to reinforce their sense of self-importance and superiority. Compliments that stroke their ego and feed their need for affirmation can be potent triggers for them.

2. Power and Control

Control is a cornerstone of narcissistic behavior, and female narcissists are no exception. They revel in situations where they hold power over others, whether it’s in personal relationships, professional environments, or social settings. Anything that amplifies their sense of control can be a major turn-on for them.

3. Manipulation and Deception

Manipulation is a tool wielded with finesse by female narcissists. They derive satisfaction from orchestrating situations to their advantage, often through deceit and cunning tactics. Being able to manipulate others successfully fuels their sense of superiority and boosts their ego.

4. Material Possessions and Status Symbols

For many female narcissists, material possessions and status symbols are more than just superficial symbols of success—they’re extensions of their identity and worth. Luxury items, expensive gifts, and social status can serve as powerful aphrodisiacs for them, reinforcing their sense of superiority and entitlement.

5. Attention and Admiration

Attention is like oxygen to a female narcissist—they simply cannot thrive without it. Being the center of attention, whether in social gatherings or online platforms, fuels their ego and validates their self-worth. Anything that garners attention and admiration for them can be highly stimulating.

6. Validation and Recognition

Validation and recognition are essential for female narcissists to maintain their fragile self-esteem. They crave acknowledgment for their talents, achievements, and perceived superiority. Any form of recognition that reaffirms their sense of grandiosity can be immensely gratifying for them.

7. Emotional Intensity and Drama

Female narcissists are drawn to emotional intensity and drama like moths to a flame. They thrive on chaos and conflict, often manufacturing drama to keep things interesting and to assert their dominance. Anything that stirs up intense emotions and drama can be irresistible to them.

Signs Of A Female Narcissist

Seven signs of a female narcissist may include:

  1. Exploitativeness: Female narcissists may exploit others to fulfill their own needs or desires, such as using someone else’s resources without consideration for their feelings or well-being.
  2. Excessive need for admiration: They constantly seek validation, praise, and admiration from others to boost their self-esteem and maintain their sense of superiority.
  3. Lack of empathy: Female narcissists often demonstrate a lack of empathy or concern for the feelings and needs of others, prioritizing their own desires above all else.
  4. Controlling behavior: They may exhibit controlling behavior in relationships, seeking to dominate and manipulate others to maintain power and control.
  5. Grandiosity: Female narcissists often have an inflated sense of self-importance and may exaggerate their achievements or talents to impress others.
  6. Entitlement: They may believe they are entitled to special treatment or privileges, expecting others to cater to their needs and desires without reciprocity.
  7. Difficulty maintaining healthy relationships: Due to their manipulative and self-centered behavior, female narcissists may struggle to maintain long-lasting, genuine connections with others, leading to turbulent and unstable relationships.


What Does A Female Narcissist Look Like?

The appearance of a female narcissist can vary greatly and may not necessarily reflect any specific physical traits.

Instead, the characteristics of a female narcissist are more related to their behavior and personality. However, some common traits or behaviors that may be associated with female narcissists include:

  1. Excessive preoccupation with appearance: While not all female narcissists may exhibit this trait, some may place an exaggerated emphasis on their physical appearance, grooming, and presentation to maintain their desired image of perfection or superiority.
  2. Charm and charisma: Female narcissists can often be charming and charismatic, using their personality traits to manipulate and influence others to meet their needs and desires.
  3. Grandiosity: They may have an inflated sense of self-importance and may exaggerate their achievements, talents, or qualities to garner admiration and validation from others.
  4. Lack of empathy: Female narcissists may show a lack of empathy or concern for the feelings and needs of others, prioritizing their own desires and interests above all else.
  5. Manipulative behavior: They may engage in manipulative tactics to control and exploit others for their own gain, using charm, flattery, and deception to achieve their objectives.
  6. Entitlement: Female narcissists may believe they are entitled to special treatment or privileges, expecting others to cater to their needs and desires without reciprocity.
  7. Difficulty in maintaining healthy relationships: Due to their manipulative and self-centered behavior, female narcissists may struggle to maintain genuine and lasting connections with others, leading to turbulent and unstable relationships.